We frogs.

Under the hood, we run things a little different.

Under the guise of a company, Mullfrog is an organisation built by entrepreneurs who make or take on projects that we feel will make things better. We're not after money. We genuinely want to support things that make peoples lives better in some way. But that support usually costs money, so the projects need to make money... so they can support more projects!

We have an evolving system and it... works. Let me explain. You may have seen this little frog floating around. 🐻 Bear with me and let me introduce you.


This is Frogy, the quantum frog. Frogy has a life long desire to find the missing g. It's difficult to address Frogy, because... well, Frogy is a Quantum Frog. Depending on which angle you view Frogy, Frogy changes. And Frogy oversees all things in Mullfrog. Frogy even has this neat domain where Frogy can see all the operations, time-keeping and upkeep of Mullfrog. Frogy is the 🧸 allbearing truth behind Mullfrog.

This is probably the most important mechanic in Mullfrog. Frogy maticulously records everything in the Frogy domain. Then anything that can be automated, gets automated. Then its refinement and fine tuning from there. Think of it like operating a time machine. Then all of that information is available for everyone to see and make decisions togother.

No Heirarchy

There's only us frogs. We have different skills and experience and we lead different lives. Mullfrog doesn't get in the way of that and in fact, it helps lives get better. Because that is our philosophy. You can't join without it. So we share that and its embedded into our projects.


Wow, where did that number come from? Well, Frogy can tell you. That number is a setting. That is how much any person working for Mullfrog earns per hour for the work they put in regardless of what they do there. Is it high? Is it low? We're not so sure. But we think it's enough to live well in Kyoto in it's current climate.

But this is an hourly wage for work put in. What do we even work on? Projects of course. And where do those projects come from? Us. The idea is that someone has an idea. We gather around and validate that idea, help it, grow it, check its ethic and impact. If it's good, then we fund it. And funding comes in the form of an hourly wage.

The hourly wage is to give that tadpole the time they need to make that project a reality. But there is a caveat. That hourly wage is not free. That wage comes directly from the project they are working on. So it will take on a debt. So where does the money come from to pay that tadpole?

The resource pool

You could look at Mullfrog as being a resource pool. Because that is pretty much what it is. But it also has a rigid screening process and a guide to the galaxy. There's probably a few things missing here but the main resources we have are:

  • 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦People
  • 💪Skills
  • 🧠Knowledge
  • 🎓Experience
  • 💎Assets
  • 💵Money

And all of that comes from the projects we run. You may be seeing a chicken egg situation here. But lets not get ahead of ourselves just yet. First we should understand what it means to take on a project.

Mullfrog Projects and 50 / 50

When people start projects or ventures, the first thing a smart frog with business acumen will look into is Intellectual Property. Who owns it? In Mullfrog's case, it's the person who bought in the project. But if its a Mullfrog project, then Mullfrog pools half of that projects profit. The rest of the profit? That goes to the project owner.

That means they can put whatever name they want on their project. They can also choose whether they want the Mullfrog logo to appear on their project or not. See, Frogy is not really concerned with these things. As long as it is 50/50 on profit, then it can pool resources together with Mullfrog.

So what is stopping the owner of that project pulling it out of Mullfrog and taking 100% for themselves? Nothing. And there should be not a single ill thought towards anyone who wants to do so. Mullfrog would also encourage and support that person to get them on their feet, once taking on the project for themselves.

Looking at that from above, you could say Frogy supports its frogs and the Frogs support Mullfrog just by functioning in this chicken egg situation. And I keep mentioning that idiom. Because how did all of this all even start?